
Items We Accept

The Monroe County Backpack Buddies organization is always accepting donations to keep our program running. Below is a list of accepted items and places to drop them off.

Food Items:

Cereal Bars | Granola Bars | Pop-Tarts | Individual (single serving) | Cereal Boxes & Milk (non-refrigerated type) | Vienna Sausages | Tuna Pouches | Sleeves of Crackers (Saltines, Ritz, etc.) | Fruit Cups | Applesauce | Raisins | Jello Cups (non-refrigerated type) | Fruit Roll-Ups | Pudding Cups (non-refrigerated type) | Rice Krispy Treats | Little Debbie Snacks | Packs of Crackers (Peanut Butter, Cheese, etc.) | Juice Boxes | Milk Boxes (non-refrigerated type) | Breakfast Bar | Beanie Weenie | Meat Sticks | Cookies | Chex Mix | Cheese-Its | Pretzels | Water/Kool-Aid | Gatorade (small bottle) | Mini-sized bottle of water

Other Items:
Travel Size Shampoo | Toothbrushes | Travel Size Toothpaste | Travel Size Hand Sanitizer | Travel Size Deodorant | Kleenex Tissue | Books for Kids (Pre-K - 12) | Ziploc Bags (all sizes) | Backpacks | Combs | Hair brushes | Soap | Styrofoam bowls for cereal | Plastic Spoons | Stuffed Animals (new & gently used)
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